City Council
Geoff Hollenbeck
Council Member
Deborah Rauth
Council Member
Terry Johnson
Council Member
Patrick Stevens
Council Member
Les Love
Auxiliary Guest
David Sims
Economic Development Council
Exec. Director - Boundary County
What is the purpose of a City Council?
The Council is a legislative body responsible for making laws, adopting budgets, and overseeing city administration.
The Moyie Springs City Council is currently comprised of four Councilors and the Mayor. The Auxiliary guest provides the council with valuable insight on economic growth and opportunities on the local, county, and state level but is not a voting member of the Council.
The Mayor presides at all Council meetings and is not a voting member of the Council.​​
When are City Council meetings?
The City Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month providing it is at least the 3rd day of the month.
If the first Wednesday falls on the 1st or 2nd day of the month, the meeting will be held on the following Wednesday.
The meetings start at 7:00 pm at the City Hall meeting room, located on the left end of the building.
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
How do I get a copy of the Agenda?​
Contact the City Clerk in person to obtain a copy. You can also sign up to receive digital notifications via email by clicking the Notifications link at the bottom of this page.
Past agendas can be found on the Documents page archive. Not applicable to dates prior to 2025.
How do I get a copy of the Minutes?​
Minutes can be obtained at City Hall. Stop in for a copy and any other information you need.
How can I add an item to the Council Agenda?
The City Clerk sets the Agenda which requires action by the Council. Contact the City Clerk if you would like an item placed on the agenda. If you would like to voice a complaint or simply inform the Council of an item, you are welcome to do so during the Misc. Business portion of the meeting which is open for public comment.